RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter(Mouse Media Streaming Device Silver, For PC) Lowest Price in Online , India- Reviews, Features, Specification, Cheapest Cost Buy in INR Online. (2025)

The Lowest price of RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter in Online , India is ₹ 7899. The latest price for RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter was updated on 4 January 2025, the cost price of RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter was ₹ 14999 which is now available at 47% discount on Flipkart. The multiple payment options available to buy RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter in Online are Credit Card, Debit Card, Netbanking and Wallet Payment. The payment of RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter on Cash on Delivery (COD) is available in Online . On shopping from Flipkart you will save ₹ 7100 as this is the discounted rate. We also found that cheapest price for RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter in Online was available online on Flipkart. RyzCare products at 47% discount is a great deal to buy online.

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RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter(Mouse Media Streaming Device Silver, For PC) Lowest Price in Online , India- Reviews, Features, Specification, Cheapest Cost Buy in INR Online. (1)

RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter Price Comparison In Online India




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RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter(Mouse Media Streaming Device Silver, For PC) Lowest Price in Online , India- Reviews, Features, Specification, Cheapest Cost Buy in INR Online. (9)

RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter Specifications

Product Features:

RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter Features & Specifications stand apart in the PC Compatible category. The details about RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter(Mouse Media Streaming Device Silver, For PC) are given below as well. Unboxing RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter specs NA, & more details are given below

Transmits max 200 meters from your HDMI or DVI-D source to HD display by single CAT5e/6 cable. At the same time, it's also convenient to transmit HDMI audio and video source by point-to-point mode, one point-to-many mode and cascade connection mode. Support IR control, you can control STB or Blue-Ray DVD at receiving site by remote control.Support HDMI 1.3/HDCP1.1&1.2 point-to-point mode, one point-to-many mode and cascade connection mode. 802.3 Ethernet standard,The design of pure hardware, plug and play, no need for additional software. Support IR remote control 38KHz,NEC,long distance controlled by keyboard and mouse. This HDMI KVM Over IP Extender is based on TCP/IP standard. It transmits max 120 meters from your HDMI or DVI-D source to HD display by single CAT5e/6 cable. At the same time, it’s also convenient to transmit HDMI audio and video source by point-to-point mode, one point-to-many mode and cascade connection mode.

Even though Flipkart offers wide range of PC Compatible in comparison to RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter. This RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter deal is the cheapest you can purchase in Online online. We have also included an Unboxing video of RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter as well as video review. RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter is ideal for gifting Men & Women. Multiple RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter color options might also be available Online or in local store in Online be sure to check them before placing final order online. Exchange offers, Bulk discount, Special price, Promo Code, Coupon code, Cashback might also be applicable on RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter

RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter Specs

General Specifications

Brand RyzCare
Model HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard
Color Mouse Media Streaming Device Silver
Platform PC
Cable Length 1 m
Weight 2200 g
Width 200 mm
Sales Package RyzCare INDIA -


1. HDMI KVM Over IP Extenders, transmits 200 meters from your HDMI or DVI-D source to HD display by single CAT6/7 cable., 2. Extremely Easy Installation and Operation. You can control STB or Blue-Ray DVD at receiving site by remote control.there are 3 USB port,its a great convenience for long distance controlled by keyboard and mouse., 3. Supports HDCP1.1/1.2 + Full HD 1080p+NEC+2x 5V/2A Power Supply, 4. The design of pure hardware, plug and play, no need for additional software. Just connect it correctly, it will show the same high definition signal., 5. This HDMI KVM Over IP Extender is based on TCP/IP standard. It transmits max 200 meters from your HDMI or DVI-D source to HD display by single CAT5e/6 cable. At the same time, it’s also convenient to transmit HDMI audio and video source by point-to-point mode, one point-to-many mode and cascade connection mode.

RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter Rating:


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The latest price of RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter was obtained on 4 January 2025 from Flipkart

All the price given above are in Indian Rupees (INR) & are valid for Sale in India.

RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter is also be available in Online apart from Online availability on Flipkart, Amazon, Croma, Shopclues, InfiBeam, TataCliq, Snapdeal, PayTm Mall & other online stores.

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Discounts, Cashback and Coupons may be available on RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter for some banks like HDFC, SBI, ICICI, CITI, IDBI, AXIS and INDUSIND.

Images shown are for illustration purpose. Actual image/product may differ.

RyzCare HDMI 200M KVM Over Ethernet Extender Cat6/7 Cable with USB for Keyboard Gaming Adapter(Mouse Media Streaming Device Silver, For PC) Lowest Price in Online , India- Reviews, Features, Specification, Cheapest Cost Buy in INR Online. (2025)
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